How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers
by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel.
The book has three main parts; the advent of blogging and the benefits to be achieved, which seemingly outweigh the risks, suggestions for effective blogging including what not to do, and finally, emergent technologies for blogging.
The book begins with reasons for why the advent of blogging should not be disregarded, with indications of its potentially powerful influence on corporate business. The authors share their insider views on personal blogging at Microsoft, and the management sentiments surrounding blogging about Microsoft which had softened with time and increasing adoption.
A good introductory read to blogging, the book offers useful and practical advice about good blogging practices, such as keeping the blog authentic with typo errors and all, as well as how to avoid getting “hammered” in the blogosphere.
A lot of the material on the blogs themselves covers blogs of specific individuals in business and not so much corporate blogs per se. This is probably because it is just starting to permeate the corporate sphere. Still, the book provides an impressive list of blog sites to check out and provides enough inspiration to make you want to start one of your own!
Review by Paolina Martin